Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Stockholm adventures- aka I'm gonna obsess over all the boats here

Sean and I were in Stockholm last weekend. It is a truly beautiful and vibrant city and I had no shortage of images to capture. I got to indulge my obsession with boats, especially the ones that have a particularly weathered and worn look to them. Stockholm is built on 14 islands, so we could walk and walk along boardwalks and marinas to our hearts content without crossing our paths once. Aside from the boating culture there are many beautifully preserved royal palace like buildings marking Sweden's long history of monarchy and nobility, not to mention countless pedestrian cobblestone streets, statues, tree lines squares, fountains, etc. etc. There is this amazing museum (the Vasa Museum) built around a recovered 17th century Swedish naval ship that is 90% preserved and is one of the most visited museums in the world. It was like looking at something straight out of a pirate movie, impressive and mythical. Here are some of my pictures and the link to more.. I apologize in advance if you don't like boats:)

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